Question: 1 / 50

How are jurors selected to ensure a cross-section of society?

By volunteer sign-up

By random selection methods

The correct answer is based on the premise that jurors must represent a fair cross-section of the community, which is a fundamental principle in the justice system to promote impartiality and diversity. Random selection methods are employed to select jurors from a pool of eligible citizens, ensuring that every individual has an equal chance of being chosen. This method helps to mitigate bias and influences that could arise from voluntary sign-up or other selective processes that might not capture the full demographic spectrum of society. In contrast, volunteer sign-ups can lead to a jury that does not reflect the variety of experiences and backgrounds present in the community, potentially favoring individuals who are more willing to participate rather than those who are randomly selected. Similarly, nomination from local authorities could introduce biases based on personal judgments or affiliations, compromising the random nature of jury selection. Lastly, reviewing educational background could inadvertently create a jury that is unrepresentative of the broader population, as it might lead to the exclusion of individuals from diverse educational or socioeconomic backgrounds. Thus, random selection is the most effective method for achieving a representative jury.

By nomination from local authorities

By educational background review


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